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olimpiyattı. Müzahir Sille (62 kg),
Mithat Bayrak (73 kg) ve Tevfik
Kış (87 kg)’la grekoromende-
ilk ve son kez üç şampiyon bir-
den çıkardık Roma’da. Mithat
Bayrak grekoromende çifte olim-
piyat şampiyonu ünvanlı ilk gürş-
çimiz oldu.
Melbourne’de şampiyon olduk-
tan sonra sadece 1959 Akdeniz
Oyunları’nda ikinci olup Avrupa
ve Dünya şampiyonalarında de-
receye bile giremeyen Mithat
Bayrak siklet boş kalmasın diye
takıma alındı. Hüseyin Erkmen’in
öğrencisi Bayrak, Yugoslav
Horvat’ı 3-1 sayıyla yendi. Sovyet
Gamarnilk ile 2-2 berabere kal-
dı. Final turunda, Alman Guenter
Maritschnizg’i 1:47’de tuş-
la, Fransız Rene Schiermayer’i
3-1 sayıyla yenerek şampiyon
oldu. Mithat Bayrak’ın grekoro-
mende çifte Olimpiyat şampi-
yonluğu onuruna 40 yıl aradan
sonra Sydney 2000’de Hamza
Yerlikaya erişebildi.
Serbestte Mustafa Dağıstanlı da,
Mithat Bayrak gibi 1956’dan son-
ra Roma’da ikinci altın madal-
yasını kazandı. 62 kiloda min-
dere çıkan Dağıstanlı, Finli E.
E. Antero Penttila’yı 3-1 sayıy-
la, Avusturyalı Marte’yi 2:38’de,
Macar Kellerman’ı 4:46’da tuş-
la, Belçikalı Joseph Mewis’i 3-1
sayıyla, Pakistanlı Muhammet
Akhtar’ı 9:40’da tuşla yen-
di. Japon Tamiji Sato ile 2-2 be-
rabere kalarak şampiyonluğa
ulaştı. Türk güreş tarihinde çifte
Olimpiyat şampiyonu ünvanlı üç
kişiden ikincisi oldu.
Apandisit ameliyatı için yat-
tığı masadan ameliyat olma-
dan kaldırılarak mindere çıkarı-
lan Müzahir Sille (62 kg) Alman
Gottlieb Neumair’i, Polonyalı
Kazimiers Macioch’u 3-1 sayıy-
la, İsveçli Gustav Freij’i 1:10’da,
Birleşik Arap Cumhuriyeti’nden
Mansur’u 1:55’te tuşla yendikten
sonra puanlama gereği Rumen
Mihai Schutz’a 3-1 sayıyla yenildi.
won, for the first and last time,
3 Gold medals in Greco-Roman
wrestling with Müzahir Sille (62
kg), Mithat Bayrak (73 kg) and
Tevfik Kış (87 kg). Mithat Bayrak
became Turkey’s first double
Olympic Gold Medallist in Greco-
Roman style.
1956 Melbourne Olympic Games
Gold Medallist Mithat Bayrak lat-
er won the Silver in the 1959
Mediterranean Games but was not
successful at the European and
World Championships. He was in-
cluded in the team just to fill up
the bracket in the weight class.
However, Mithat Bayrak, coached
by Hüseyin Erkmen, won against
Yugoslav Horvat 3-1 on points,
Austrian Berger by fall in 10’29”,
Swedish Nyström and Hungarian
Rizmajer 3-1 on points and drew
a tie with Soviet Gamarnilk 2-2. In
the final round, he won against
German Maritschnizg by fall in
1’47” and French Schiermayer 3-1
on points to become the champion.
Mithat Bayrak’s double Olympic
Champion title in Greco-Roman
style could only be equalized 40
years later by Hamza Yerlikaya in
Sydney 2000.
Like Mithat Bayrak, Mustafa
Dağıstanlı also won his sec-
ond Olympic Gold Medal in
Freestyle after 1956 in Rome.
Featherweight wrestler
Dağıstanlı won against Finnish
Penttila 3-1 on points, Austrian
Marte by fall in 2’38”, Hungarian
Kellerman by fall in 4’46”,
Belgian Mewis on points 3-1 and
Pakistani Akhtar by fall in 9’40”.
He drew a tie with Japanese Sato
2-2 and became the Champion.
He was the second athlete of
the three with double Olympic
Champion titles in the history of
Turkish wrestling.
Müzahir Sille (62 kg), who was
hospitalized for an appendici-
tis operation, was taken to the
mat from the operating room. He
beat German Neumair and Polish
Macioch 3-1 on points, Swedish
Freij by fall in 1’10” and Mansur
from United Arab Emirates by
fall in 1’55” and then lost to
Romanian Schutz 3-1. In the fi-
nal match he won against the
Hungarian Polyak on points
to whom he had lost twice at
the World Championship fi-
nals. He added an Olympic gold
medal to his collection of sil-
ver medals of 1955 and 1958
World Championships.
Sille tells about his champion-
ship in Rome:
“The wrestlers were
training on a mat placed out-
doors. Rome was sizzling hot and
we could not even touch the mat. I
Grekoromen güreşçiler İstanbul Moda’da kampta (1957). Grekoromen Milli Takım elemanları
Emirgan kampında tartı sırasında.
Greco-Roman wrestlers in a camp in Moda (1957). The members of the Greco-Roman National
Team in the queue at the weighing in the camp in Emirgan.
Olympic World